Wednesday, June 15, 2016

EU Referendum - We are All Prisoners of an Ill Thought Through Dilemma.

Articles are mounting up in the world's press highlighting the dilemmas facing the British voters, the political parties and the EU member states.

Conflicts and Contradictions:

If the state of the NHS will be threatened by Brexit - why put it in jeopardy by having the Referendum? The Referendum was tactical in dealing with UKIP and the Tory Euro Sceptics; Strategic in attempting to negotiate reform with the other EU states, but did not meet the critical objectives of the main manifesto priorities -  Security of the nation, maintaining The United Kingdom, protecting the NHS, maintaining economic growth.

Proper setting of objectives - clarity of priorities - analysis of foreseeable consequences of the alternative strategic choices and tactical plays (Leadership!) would have identified all of the current risks before the last General Election.

WTO chief says post-Brexit trade talks must start from scratch - Guardian

Britain's debate over Europe has been disappointing - Chicago Tribune

No 10 mulls last-ditch attempt to revisit free movement negotiations - Guardian

EU referendum: Osborne warns of Brexit budget cuts - BBC

Praying it will work? Chancellor plotting 'punishment' Budget with THREAT 'to add 2p to income tax' and increase death duty, booze and fuel costs. - Daily Mail

Conservative Party Manifesto - 2015

The ability to negotiate is far more important than spin. 

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